👋 BIMWorkplace New Release with New Features and Improvements! (v3.0.15)

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🚀 New Features and Improvements

  • [CLOUD & PLUGIN] Duplication of topics without needing to create them from scratch - https://youtu.be/BY4F1Zya2_I
  • [CLOUD & PLUGIN] Creation of private topics that do not trigger notifications for all users - https://youtu.be/d7NlsoTT_Js
  • [CLOUD & PLUGIN] Creation of differentiated states for topics and clashes;
  • [CLOUD] Navigation between topics from within a topic's form - https://youtu.be/ZY-pxoV9bZc
  • [CLOUD] Ability to pre-define the default 3D view for each model version in "Model Management";
  • [CLOUD] Access to a topic or its list of clashes via links in the topic table - https://youtu.be/ZY-pxoV9bZc
  • [CLOUD] Ability to revoke access permission to “Insights”;
  • [CLOUD] Users can now see on their profile if they have a license and who assigned it to them;
  • [PLUGIN] Filtering of topics that have clashes assigned to a specific user - https://youtu.be/PAbc8WYZkrI
  • [PLUGIN] When importing data from BWP to Revit, users can now define the units for certain parameters that do not have units in BWP;
  • [CLOUD] At the end of model rendering in the viewer, a "fit to view" is applied to speed up the user's visualization of the entire model;
  • [CLOUD] Ability to edit certain types of properties that were previously not editable;
  • [CLOUD] In .NWC models, display properties of selected elements at the object level rather than their material;
  • [CLOUD] Optimized process for managing notifications in user profile settings;
  • [CLOUD] Ability to bulk edit custom fields;
  • [CLOUD] Optimized process for selecting CDE models to monitor in BWP;
  • [CLOUD] When searching for an element in filters, the result now shows both the found level and its sublevels.
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